Deliver meal and supplies to Storefront
June 6, 2022 @ 6:30 pm
An event every month that begins at 6:30 pm on day 6 of the month, repeating until January 29, 2023
GLC takes dinner to Storefront, the shelter for homeless teens, on the first Monday of each month. Your help is needed… (don’t forget you can team up) to help this important outreach. This is one way we serve our youthful neighbors. A new sign up sheet is in the Narthex or call the office. Thank you all!
Even if you can’t provide dinner on a Monday, perishable and non-perishable breakfast lunch and snack items are also needed, such as milk, orange juice and cereal (teenagers can go through LOTS of cereal!), bread, sandwich meat/cheese and individual bags of chips, cookies, ramen cups, Hot Pockets, frozen breakfast sandwiches, you name it! Bring non-perishables to the office on Wednesday or Thursday, or to worship any Sunday and put them in the Storefront basket, or contact Pastor Karla for pick-up/coordination for delivery of perishable or frozen items. Also, checks made out to San Diego Youth Services (Storefront written in the notes) can be mailed directly to San Diego Youth Services, 3255 Wing Street, San Diego, CA 92110 or if given to Gethsemane, note “Storefront” in the notes line.