“Abba, Father, for you all things are possible; remove this cup from me; yet, not what I want but what you want.” (Mark 14:36 Jesus’ prayer in Gethsemane)
We are a small, vibrant church serving Serra Mesa, Mission Valley, and all of San Diego, where people from all walks of life worship and are always welcome!
In addition to our regular worship services, we have other enriching opportunities available for anyone who wishes to participate.
We are a small, vibrant church serving Serra Mesa, Mission Valley, and all of San Diego, where people from all walks of life worship and are always welcome!
In addition to our regular worship services, we have other enriching opportunities available for anyone who wishes to participate.
What’s So Special About Being Lutheran?
Lutherans believe God is love. We believe God’s power is love.
God’s purpose is love. God’s presence is love.

Lutherans consider the Bible as the Word of God. It is the ‘first word’, starting the conversation about God, encompassing all the oral tradition that was shared before the Bible itself was written down. It is an ongoing conversation. The Spirit is still speaking God’s truth into the world today through the people of God inside and outside of the church. We believe we can come to recognize God in action today through the expression of God in the Bible. If we don’t know the Bible, we might not be able to recognize ‘God With Us’ at any given moment.

Lutherans believe faith matters. Faith is not something we have to do, is not a result of believing the right things. Faith is a gift from God that helps us trust God’s love for us. We believe all people have a place in God’s reign. Even more importantly, we believe all people have something to contribute in the good world God designed. The fancy word for it is ‘vocation.’ Our Christian vocation is to do our daily work in a way that honors God’s will for goodness, justice and peace in the world. Martin Luther is famous for saying that every job can be a vocation; even the lowest garbage collector or milk maid can do their work in a way that fulfills God’s purposes of bringing blessing and goodness to others.

Not all Lutherans are alike. We are Lutherans in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, a progressive denomination in the Lutheran tradition. There are other branches in the Lutheran tree that take the scriptures more literally, that interpret passages more narrowly, that exclude certain people from leadership. We don’t put any limitations on who God can call to be leaders in the church, but we do have expectations our leaders have to live up to; in particular of education, credentialing and standards of honesty, integrity and responsibility.