SUNDAY WORSHIP- Classic Communion
November 21, 2021 @ 9:30 am
November 21, 2021: Reign of Christ Sunday
Readings for November 21 – The Reign of Christ
First Reading: 2 Samuel 23:1-7 – The just ruler is like the light of morning
Psalm: Psalm 132:1-12 [13-18] – Let your faithful people sing with joy. (Ps. 132:9)
Second Reading: Revelation 1:4b-8 – Glory to the one who made us a kingdom
Gospel: John 18:33-37 – The reign of Christ
Covid-19 Regulations
In light of the ongoing pandemic and the presence of the Delta variant, we are all wearing masks for the 9:30 service. Other congregations are making different choices, accepting greater levels of risk, but we have opted to take a cautious path throughout. We believe it is our duty and it is also our desire to protect the vulnerable among us and to adapt ourselves to the current times. We all live each day doing the best we can. We are a church that recognizes life is fragile and we are inherently vulnerable. We are always a breath away from our mortality. Please realize we make every effort to minimize the risk of transmitting COVID-19 during worship, but even being careful cannot remove all risk. Also, we want our non-vaccinated friends to be able to worship with us without being singled out. The 8am service is a much smaller group and there are few responses and no singing, so mask wearing there has been optional. We are asking all who attend the 8am service to have a face covering with you, just in case we have a friend in attendance who is not yet comfortable being out without covering. Thank you.